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Thursday, March 19, 2015

So, you're going to be a big sister

In case you haven't heard the good news...Travis and I are happy to announce that we are increasing the population of our little suburb by one! He or she is expected to arrive in September, we couldn't be more excited/nervous/happy/scared and all the other crazy emotions that come with bringing a child into the world. Hah!

So far my pregnancy has been going smoothly with just a touch of nausea and some moderate exhaustion. Pregnancy with a toddler running around is definitely a whole new ball game. No time to rest or nap after work this time around! {womp womp} 

Amelia hasn't seemed to notice any difference just yet but I think in the next few months she'll have some more understanding and will realize something is going on with mommy. She interacts with babies at school and in our circle of friends pretty regularly so I don't think she'll be in complete shock when brother/sister gets here but I know it will be a big transition for everyone. 

My husband and I are both the babies of the family so neither one of us knows what it feels like to be the oldest sibling, which has left me wondering about what being the oldest looks like and how do I prepare Amelia for such an important role? In the end, we will probably wing it and use the trial and error method {like we do for most things} but we're definitely open to suggestions. So, if you've been there done that or read a great book that you would like to recommend, please leave a comment below and tell me all about it!


You're going to be a big sister! You don't quite understand what that means just yet and to tell you the truth it still freaks me out a little bit to type those words. Sometimes, change is scary! You're going to be an amazing big sister and I'm so excited to watch you grow into your new role.

You will forever be an example for your little brother or sister and they will always look up to you. That's a lot of pressure, right? Here's the thing, it's okay for them to see you fall as long as you show them how to get back up. You don't have to be perfect you just have to try your best and help them to do the same. I pray that you become not only siblings but friends. I pray that through the ups and downs of life you will be there for each other no matter what. 

I'm sure I'll have about a million more things to tell you but this will have to do for now. Things might be changing a little but you will always be our first love. 

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