Hooray for Friday! I've got a jam packed weekend ahead of my and I'm prepared and excited for all of the fun. I have to include prepared because that definitely isn't always the case for me. Here are some of my faves from this week in no particular order for no particular reason. Happy Friday!
- Ruffled Sweeteheart Swimsuit - I've had a few dreams about Mexico this week which may be because I'm impatiently planning our trip for 2016. (HAH...long way away, I know!) I'm loving this swimsuit but wishing I could find it in black. I'm not working with much up top so I love the ruffles in that area. I'm thinking if I can find a more neutral color this is the suit I'll be rocking this summer and I can't wait.
- Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos - A sweet friend shared this recipe with me recently. We tried it last night and it was DE-licious!
- Amelia had a great week! She is repeating everything these days and reminding me why I need to watch my mouth more than ever before. I love Jesus but I can't lie I have a terrible habit of using some four letter words. Currently practicing biting my tongue. She's also on the move like every second of the day so good pictures are pretty much impossible but here she is riding her pony before school the other day and being adorable, of course! Her headband is from Willow Crowns I even got a matching one to go with it. #sorrynotsorry
- SUPER BOWL- said in my best announcer voice...but really though, haha. We used to go to watch parties every year but our weekly schedule is so ridiculous that it's just not possible. Amelia is in bed by 7pm and up at 5:30am and we are in bed by 9pm and up by 4am so needless to say we don't do much on Sunday nights these days. We will however watch from home and my goal is to make it through half time. I'm a big Katy Perry fan (her music not really anything else in life that she supports or does) and I know it's going to be a good show! My bestie, Katie, and I have seen her live twice and she is a great performer and live singer.
- Baby Shower Time-We are showering my sweet friend, Jessica, tomorrow. She is having her third little boy and I just can't wait to celebrate with her. She has two year old twin boys, Hayden and Connor, and they are just the cutest things ever and have already spoken for Amelia when they all get a little older. They are going to be the best big brothers and none of us can wait to meet the newest Baby Lewis! P.S. they haven't decided on a name so if you have a great boy name for this sweet family post in the comments below!!
What are your plans this weekend? What will you make for your super bowl party?? Don't leave me hanging and share your best recipes below!