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Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday Faves

Cheers to the weekend! It's been a long week for me and I'm so ready to get the weekend started. I'll be working a half day today and then taking Amelia in for her 18 month check up. It will be nice to go in for a check up instead of a sick visit for once. 

So, Friday Faves, several of my fellow blogger friends have similar Friday posts and so I decided to join in on the fun. I'll be sharing some of my favorite things as well as Amelia's on Fridays when I get the chance. Some of my favorite things may be products they may also just be things to do or milestones Amelia is reaching. The fun thing about this little corner of the internet is that I get to decide. {Sidenote, some products may contain affiliate links where the company will give me a tiny percentage of any shopping you do through that link, thank you in advance for your support and contribution toward the maintenance of my little piece of the internet} So here we go...

  1. White Converse-They have been all over hollywood lately and are becoming the go to for my weekend wardrobe. Converse Chuck Taylor 

  2. Amelia's speech has BLOWN up over the past couple of months and this week she said, "I want milk." I mean! Sentences, really?!? A few weeks ago it was, "I see dada," along with, "I see ball." I don't know what it is about these sentences but they've definitely made me see how quickly she's growing up and I'm loving it and hating it all at the same time. 
  3. Pearland is coming up in the world. PTL! We are getting a Costco, Sprouts, new Medical Center and Ronnie Killen is officially opening up his third local restaurant, a burger joint which is sure to be just as amazing as his BBQ joint and steakhouse. {I decided "joint" was the only appropriate way to describe his restaurant style} If you haven't checked out Killen's Steakhouse or BBQ trust me it's worth the drive to our little neck of the woods. The line at his BBQ restaurant is usually wrapped around the front of the restaurant so don't come too hungry. BONUS- he serves free beer on Saturday's and Sunday's while you wait in line so at least you won't be thirsty while you're waiting.
  4. My fitness pal app- I discovered yesterday that this app also has a step tracker. While I'm not trying to lose weight as I discussed in my last post I am trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle and increase my activity. I had a love/hate relationship with my Fitbit Flex  and when it stopped working over six months ago I just never called to replace it. I loved tracking my steps and the extra push it gave me to increase my activity but I didn't like having to wear it all of the time. I'm excited that I can now track my steps with the app that I also use to track my food intake. All in one is my kind of product for sure. My username is mlb06 so if you use this app feel free to add me and we can keep each other accountable. 
  5. American Sniper- If you haven't gotten the chance to see this movie, I can't recommend it enough. I'm not a huge fan of "war movies" because my dad was in the military for 22 years and my husband for 3 and I know exactly how hard war is on families. I usually can't handle the emotional aspects of it all but I'm so glad we went last weekend. I'm ashamed of some of the terrible things Seth Rogan and Michael Moore have said about the movie and this American hero. Bradley Cooper honored Chris Kyle and shed light onto PTSD for someone like me who never quite understood it. It is such a shame that Chris did so much for our country and his life was taken while continuing to help other soldiers suffering from PTSD. I pray for his wife and children and all other families that have experienced such terrible loss. 

What are your Friday Faves? Any plans for this weekend? If you live in the Houston area fill me in on what you're up to this weekend and maybe our little family will see you out and about. 

Linking up:


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