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Friday, February 6, 2015

Friday Faves

On Friday's...I blog. Haha, really though. I have some great posts in the works but I just haven't had the time to wrap them up so this will be all you get this week. ;) I'm sure you're really disappointed...(insert sarcasm here) I don't know if I have many favorites this week and I may need to change the title of this series to something like..."Friday Highs and Lows," I'm not sure but I'm thinking "Friday Faves" just doesn't quite work. Anyway, let's get started. 

  1. Vicks Filter-Free Cool Mist Humidifier- We rounded out the week with a trip to the Pediatrician's office. Pretty much my least favorite place ever. A recent post from Coffee + Crumbs describes the miserableness that is the pediatrician's office perfectly. The diagnosis was, "just a cold," and we were sent home to inevitably watch Amelia get more sick over this beautiful weekend but WHATEVER! A friend of mine, Amy Stewart over at New Mom Problems is trying out this humidifier with her precious little one so I decided to order it and try it out as well. Here's hoping it really is just a cold and we can actually get out of the house this weekend to enjoy what is forecasted to be a beautiful couple of days. 
  2. BUNCO- My friend's and I play bunco the first week of every month and it is seriously the best. We usually laugh so hard we cry and it is just so great to catch up with all of them sans kiddos each month. Tonight my friend Daphne is hosting and she decided to make it a Mardi Gras themed bunco party. So we'll be having some yummy cajun food, king's cake and wearing Mardi Gras masks. We don't always do themed nights but it definitely is fun to throw those in every now and then. I'm super excited! Here's the mask I ordered from Amazon, hopefully it will get here before I leave tonight.  
  3. Bluebonnet Pictures- Yesterday I scheduled a family session with Mommas Gonna SNAP Photography and I just can't wait. I've always loved bluebonnets and the promise that warmer weather is just around the corner. I've gotten to know Amanda through The Houston's Moms Blog and following her on Facebook and Instagram she has the cutest little family and takes some seriously beautiful images. She does mini sessions throughout the year so if you're in need, check her out. The only downside to pictures is all the planning and stressing that is involved on my end...probably unnecessarily but I can't help it, Type A all the way over here. I'm thinking this adorable playset from JuJu Creations will be perfect for Amelia and then we'll just have to figure out something for Travis and I. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!

Linking up:


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