I understand the psychology behind avoiding the word no but I'm not sure I see the benefit of it. The Millennials are probably the first product of the, don't say no parenting technique, and I'm almost positive we can all admit that this generation could have handled being told no a time or two while growing up. Heck, I'm part of that group and I can admit some weakness in this area as well. While I have been disappointed with most of the bratty behavior of my generation I also have a lot of pride for the ones who have made positive changes because they didn't take no for an answer. {As usual I see the good and bad}

For now, we will keep using the word no along with stop and don't in our house. Will it always be that way? Maybe not, but for for now Amelia responds well to these words and knows that above all else listening to mom and dad lands her a "get out of jail free card" . {Jail...aka Timeout} Parenting is no joke and so far I can compare it to the hardest board game I'll ever play. Should I roll the dice again? Did it work better when I went right or left? Who will win in the end? The truth is there is no winner and that no matter what words we use while parenting the right answer will always come from seeking God's help. After all, although we sometimes forget, He's done this all before and His Son was perfect. The perfect verse to lean on for parenting and discipline comes from Proverbs.
What words do you use in your house to correct behavior? What has and hasn't worked for your family? Help this first time mama out!
Your dad and I love you very much. We discipline you only to protect you and to help you become a well adjusted adult. I know it can be confusing sometimes and that there are so many temptations. I promise to continue to observe your behavior and reactions in order to implement the best forms of discipline for you at every age level. This isn't a one way street, as you get older we will seek your feedback and help when necessary but in the end God has entrusted your father and I to raise you and discipline you as we see fit. You will never completely understand all of our decisions just as we don't always understand God's decisions for our lives but we ask you to trust and respect them. We want what's best for you. It may be the most cliche sentence ever written but it is so very true. One day when you have your own little ones to discipline you will fully understand but until then we'll take it one day at a time and do our very best.
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