Since entering into this new world of motherhood I've been asked a few times about my experience breastfeeding. I remember once being on the outside of this group looking in and having all the same questions. Which is why I decided to put keyboard to screen and whip this post together. While this blog is mostly personal my goal is to also make it informative. These are the products/techniques that I found to be essential during the 10 months I spent nursing and pumping!
Amelia had a hard time getting the hang of nursing at first. We nursed exclusively in the hospital and after realizing she just wasn't getting the hang of it I hooked up to my pump for the first time. I got a pathetic amount of colostrum and it really was "liquid gold" as it is popularly referred to. Amelia eventually went on to latching successfully and we did a hybrid of nursing and pumping over the next 10 months. Nursing and pumping are a labor of love, by the end of the 10 months I was ready to burn my pump as if I was burning my bra with those chicks in the 60's. (Forgive me for not caring enough to google when that actually happened and why, that's not what you're here for anyway) Needless to say, while you're participating in this labor of love you might as well make it as easy as possible.
8 pumping essentials, at home, at work and on the go
8 pumping essentials, at home, at work and on the go
1. Quality pump-There are so many quality pumps on the market these days but I would definitely put this in the SPLURGE catagory. I never regretted it for even a second. I used the Medela Freestyle Pump
and I highly recommend it. This pump holds a charge for several days and you don't have to be plugged into the wall. The idea is that you can still do things while pumping but aside from playing on your phone that isn't a reality but it was ideal for pumping at work and in the car. One time while stranded in an airport I even had to pump in a cold gross bathroom. Told you it was a labor of love ;)
2. Hands free pumping bra-Yes, the fancy pump up there comes with a weird hands free contraption. I never figured it out though and went straight to the Medela Handsfree Bra
This way you can play with said phone as I mentioned above. Otherwise you'll be holding the liquid gold catchers thereby losing any hands free functionality of your fancy pump.
3. Pumpin Pals-Pumpin what? I know, I told you, "It's a whole new world!" (sang with my best Ariel impression) The Pumpin' Pals
allowed me to not sit up as straight as a robot while pumping. They are angled downward instead of pointing straight out. I was much more comfortable when I switched to these and spilled way less milk. Yes, you will cry over this spilled milk. It has happened to all of us. I also found my supply was better when I used these versus the ones that came with my pump.
4. Nipple Cream-I don't care how hard you use a wash cloth to prepare for nursing/pumping it still eventually hurts. Motherlove Nipple Cream
was my go to and I used it nonstop in the beginning. Luckily you do get used to it and eventually won't need the cream anymore. Careful when using this or any lanolin based cream as it will leave boob sweat looking circles on anything your girls touch. Don't say I didn't warn ya :)
5. Breastmilk Storage Bags- The Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags
bags were my favorite and never leaked.
6. Vitamins & Supplements-Unfortunately I was not an overproducer. I constantly had to work to keep my supply up which meant frequent pumping sessions in the beginning and also supplements like Nature's Way Fenugreek
and Motherlove: More Milk Plus
. Taking both of these definitely helped me to keep up my supply and I noticed a significant difference when I didn't take them. Throughout the 10 months I was able to pump on average 40 ounces a day but I needed every single one of those ounces and never had a very big freezer stash. The stash we did have didn't prove to be helpful though because Amelia didn't really like the thawed milk. So, if you're planning to build a stash in order to quit pumping early be careful not to rely on your stash until you know for sure your baby will drink the thawed milk. Also, I continued to take this prenatal, Rainbow Light Prenatal
, and actually haven't stopped taking it since we're hoping to try for baby number two in the not too distant future. I really like this prenatal, it did make me a little nauseous when I first started taking it but I began taking it at night and never felt nauseous from it again.
7. Water and Snacks-Staying hydrated and fueling my body with plenty of healthy snacks was essential to keeping up my supply. It also helps pass the time of my sometimes 30-45 minute pumping sessions. I never sat down to pump without a full tumbler of water. (Which reminds me of a good tip, don't hook up to your pump unless you're 100% sure you have everything you need within arms reach, like I said before you will have your hands free with this pump but it is not always ideal to get up and move around while pumping or at least it wasn't for me)
8. Entertainment-Phone, book, TV, pictures and videos of baby. All of these are necessities to get through any pumping session. My phone was especially important while I still pumped in the middle of the night. I fell asleep once and my pump turned off and I absolutely cried. Sometimes when you get to this point I suggest skipping the pumping session and reaching into your stash or supplementing with formula for a feeding if necessary. Sometimes your sleep really is more important than that middle of the night pump.
These were my essentials, what were yours? I hope this helps you whether you're new to this club or a veteran taking another go 'round. If I skimmed over something you want to know more about feel free to ask me anything in the comments section below!
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