There are probably closer to like 100 things I would tell myself before having children but that would be a pretty long and boring list so I'm going with 10. Sound good? I thought so, here we go!
1. You know nothing about parenting. You think you do but you just don't, period. Your friends with children may let you share your thoughts and opinions on parenting with them but as much as they love you they are rolling their eyes on the inside and thinking, "You'll see." And they're right; parenting just is one of those things that you can't understand until you're in it.
2. You're not busy. Scratch that, you may be busy but life after kids is a whole new level of busy. Enjoy the moments to yourself because they will be harder to come by after the kiddos start poppin' out. For the most part you won't mind how busy you are and you'll even enjoy most of it but there will be days where you just want 5 minutes to yourself and to actually finish something as stupid as reading your Facebook feed. It's selfish and silly but the 5 minutes of breathing room will make a huge difference and will re-charge for the next hour of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, crying for no reason and doing the same puzzle 50 times in a row.
3.Travel. I've never had a desire to do a lot of traveling because I tend to be a homebody but even I wish we had done it more before Amelia. I'm so thankful for our trip to Mexico that we went on before we started trying to get pregnant but still wish we had done a few more trips like that. You can definitely still travel after babies but things are just different. Either your leaving your little tiny one at home which is like the MOST nerve racking and anxiety ridden thing you'll ever do or you'll bring them with you and let's be honest a vacation with kids is not really a vacation. {If you don't already know this, kids are a lot of work, like a lot.} Oh and some more free advice...if the resort you're at has a professional photographer, sign up for a session. I love good ole selfies but I'm so glad we have these beautiful pictures to help us remember our trip. Shout out to Excellence Playa Mujeres which I recommend over and over again to anyone who will listen to me.